1) You can form objects via casting
class Tip1
public void Method1()
var entity = new Entity() { Name = "Mehmet", SureName = "Yoldaş" };
var formedEntity = (FormedEntity)entity;
public class FormedEntity
public string FullName { get; set; }
public static explicit operator FormedEntity(Entity entity)
return new FormedEntity() { FullName = entity.Name + " " +
entity.SureName };
public class Entity
public string Name { get; set; }
public string SureName { get; set; }
2) There is no nessesary null check operation when calling handler method. You could set empty delegate to handler method.
public delegate void MyEventHandler(object sender, int value);
public event MyEventHandler Handle = delegate { };
public void Method1() //use this method instead of Method2
Handle(this, -1);
public void Method2()
MyEventHandler handle = Handle;
if (handle != null)
handle(this, -1);
3) If you do not use event args and sender information you should use directly method same as code below.
3) If you do not use event args and sender information you should use directly method same as code below.
public void method()
Button btn = new Button();
btn.Click += btn_Click; //bad
btn.Click += (o, a) => Save();//good
void Save()
void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
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